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The Weekly Rap for March 15, 2013

By March 15, 2013May 13th, 2019Uncategorized

The Weekly RAP

There’s some exciting things going on! Check out our latest posts this week!

Also, we’ve picked out some informative articles and great reading from around the web we think you’ll find valuable too! Happy reading!

This Week on our Blog…

The Demise of Google Reader – I’ll miss you!

Google Reader is being retired on July 1st. The speculation is that Google Reader usage has declined due to Google+, and the company decided now is the time to re-focus their software teams.


Corporate Identity, Branding and Web Marketing: Alignment is Key

When it comes to the efforts you put into corporate identity, branding and web marketing, are you conveying a truly cohesive message? Possibly overlooked and often misunderstood, your logo, identity and brand make up the visual and emotional perceptions of your business and, while they are all deeply inter-related, they should not be confused with each other.


How to Post an Article on LinkedIn for Lead Generation


Yesterday one of our new clients asked me “How do I post an article on LinkedIn?” It occurred to me that I haven’t written about LinkedIn too often here, so it seemed like a good time for a post on how to use LinkedIn.


linkedin skills expertise Use LinkedIn’s Skills and Expertise Page to Reach Your Target Market

What if there was a social media tool that could tell you:

  • The best keywords to use in your social profiles?
  • Who the likely influencers are are how to get in touch with them?
  • The exact companies you should be targeting with your particular skill set?
  • What kinds of groups you should join for optimal relationship-building?
  • What companies you should work for and who you know at those companies?

That would be pretty cool, huh?


and Some Worthwhile Reading From Around the Web…

Google 55pc of mobile search conversions happen in one hour: study

With more than half of mobile searches resulting in a conversion within one hour, marketers need to be prepared to quickly serve users a full spectrum of information once a search has been made, according to a new study from Google and Nielsen.

SeniorLiving News Senior Living Providers Buy Into the Internet, Wary of Social Media

Senior living providers won’t argue with the power of the Internet to drive leads, but most are still wary of interacting with social media.


Image of Google Hangouts Player 12 Ways to Connect, Create, and Collaborate Using Google Hangouts

You’re a content marketer, and you care about connection and collaboration. But you live in a remote village in Alaska, and you can’t just hop down to the local Chamber of Commerce when you need to pick up a little extra business.



SlideShare Best Practices: Content Marketing Tips from Top SlideShare Marketers

At TopRank Online Marketing, we’ve been singing SlideShare’s praises for years. With over 50 pieces of content shared through the platform, some closing in on 100,000 views, we’re well aware of its power and potential.

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Larry Levenson

Larry is passionate about inbound marketing and is a HubSpot Certified Trainer. He's learned the "secrets" of leveraging HubSpot to make marketing hyper-effective and customizes that information to help our clients meet their goals. Larry lives in Prescott, AZ, and when not at work, he is hiking or hanging out with teenagers as a volunteer with Boys to Men USA.