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Larry Levenson

Larry is passionate about inbound marketing and is a HubSpot Certified Trainer. He's learned the "secrets" of leveraging HubSpot to make marketing hyper-effective and customizes that information to help our clients meet their goals. Larry lives in Prescott, AZ, and when not at work, he is hiking or hanging out with teenagers as a volunteer with Boys to Men USA.

marketing meeting alaniz marketing
Digital MarketingUncategorized

Optimize Your Mobile Website Design

Recent data shows that there are more people using smartphones to access your website than personal computers. In the next two years, Mobithinking reports that 1 billion people globally access the internet on a mobile device. Additionally, 25% of people in the U.S. have already abandonded their laptops and desktops…
Larry Levenson
June 25, 2012
marketing meeting alaniz marketing
Digital MarketingUncategorized

Toolkit: Google Plus to RSS

Keeping up with all your social media is tough enough, but what happens when your social media platform doesn't offer an RSS feed? Google+ doesn't offer a native RSS feed. .. which is a little odd when you consider that Google Reader is the most popular feed reader. But keeping…
Larry Levenson
June 26, 2012
marketing meeting alaniz marketing
Digital MarketingUncategorized

Your Internet Marketing ROI is Good as Gold

Investments, if done strategically, with purpose and intention, can yield some pretty attractive returns. Of course, your internet marketing ROI (Return on Investment) is no different... Traditional marketing techniques are beginning to feel a bit more like fool's gold these days. Promising big returns, there's often little one can do…
Larry Levenson
June 29, 2012