Alaniz Marketing



Your Inbound Marketing GamePlan For Success

All of our clients start with a custom GamePlan built around the goals of their business. The GamePlan defines your personas and ideal customer, and lays out the plan for attracting them. All GamePlans are continually updated and maintained throughout the life of our working agreement. You will always know what to…
December 1, 2015

Understanding HubSpot’s Attribution Reports

When we chat with experienced marketers, they are always asking questions about "first touch" and "last touch" attribution in HubSpot's analytics. These are different ways to attribute conversions on your website, and each tells you something different (and important!) about the effectiveness of your marketing and the behavior of your visitors.
November 30, 2015

What Is Sales Enablement? [Infographic]

Sales enablement is certainly a popular buzzword right now. Among the sometimes-vague sales terms that get tossed around, sales enablement may be one of the worst offenders. Sometimes, it's a code word for a sales operations group; other times, it's code for sales training. CRM can come into it, as can other…
November 27, 2015
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