Alaniz Marketing

Inbound Marketing Analytics vs Website Analytics

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Analytics can be an extremely powerful tool for the marketer, especially in a time when marketing is held more accountable than ever before. However, there seems to be some confusion around the difference between inbound marketing analytics and website analytics. Meghan Anderson sheds some light on this topic in her article, “Marketing Anlytics vs. Website Analytics” on argues that inbound marketing analytics is multi-channel, enabling you to see how prospects are navigating their experience with your company and your brand.

It’s also customer-centric, from the first interaction with your company to the most recent conversions and beyond. Marketing analytics measures people, not pageviews.

And in order to provide a full ROI picture, inbound marketing analytics are tied to sales, usually through a CRM platform like

I particularly like the disctinction she makes between measuring pageviews and time-on-site vs. measuring visitor interaction and conversions. Our clients can track individuals through the complete customer lifecycle, and understand precisely how their marketing is contributing to the bottom line with a strong ROI.

Read Meghan’s full article, “Marketing Anlytics vs. Website Analytics.”

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