Alaniz Marketing

Generating Sales Leads with Inbound Marketing

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Would more internet marketing leads benefit your business?
I have conversations every day about round-trip marketing and how businesses like yours can generate more sales leads from their website. If your sales cycle involves educating your web visitors and building relationships with them, you can definitely benefit from inbound marketing.

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • What is your average revenue from a new customer? What is the lifetime value of that customer?
  • If you gained additional new customers from your website, without modifying any other method of customer acquisition, would that be helpful?
  • Would you like to know where your best leads are coming from?
  • Would you like to be able to communicate with each prospect about the particular problems and challenges they face?
  • Given your average revenue per customer, would you pay for marketing services and training that has demonstrated an average 190% ROI?
  • Would you like to see benchmark data from your industry about the ROI of inbound marketing?

Most businesses answer “YES!” to all of these questions. If that includes you, what are you waiting for? Your competition is probably thinking about this, too. Learn more about what we do by getting our free lead generation guide.

Inbound marketing is really simple

There are four basic tenets of inbound marketing: get found, build trust and engagement, analyze results, improve the process.

Get found. Most purchases today start with online search. You need to show up in the search results for the phrases people are most likely to use when looking for your kind of product or service. Get found in the search engines!

Build trust and engagement. Provide me with valuable information about your products and services. Tell me how other people use your products. Show me that you’re very knowledgeable about my needs and challenges. Assure me that your product or service will solve my specific problems. Show me that you’re an expert in your field.

Analyze everything. What is your current cost per lead? What is your cost for an inbound marketing lead? What are your visitor-to-lead ratios? You lead-to-close ratios? Where do your best leads come from? Is social media having a positive impact on your sales?

Improve the process. With the metrics in hand, it’s easy to see areas that need improvement, and to test different solutions. Improve the process, keep measuring. Rinse and repeat.

What are your goals for the next 2 quarters? Are you ready to use a proven process to generate more sales?

Leverage inbound marketing for more sales leads

Sound interesting? Read “Inbound Marketing ROI: Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!” Learn more about what we do by getting our free lead generation guide or simply contact us for a confidential chat about your marketing challenges. If you don’t, it’s likely your competitors will!

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