Alaniz Marketing

11 Twitter Strategies for the B2B Marketer

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twitter-scrabbleWhy do people hang out on Twitter? Is it that easy to digest 140 character tweets?  The clever memes? Or maybe it’s the hashtags? In reality, it’s probably a combination of all these things.

Most of all, it’s a place where people can go, anytime day or night, to discuss and share mutual interests and gain new knowledge. It’s also a great place to gain potential customers who are doing research about potential solutions to their challenges. This gives B2B’s a unique opportunity to attract and convert new visitors they gain on Twitter, into leads. Use the 11 strategies below to help enhance your current B2B marketing.

1. Show your business as a thought leader

Customers need information, and if you want potential customers to follow your business then you need to establish yourself as a thought leader.  There are a few simple ways to do this.

  • If you have employees who are considered experts, then consider linking tweets to articles they publish, videos of them speaking at conferences, or getting recognized with an award.
  • Another option is to tweet links to current news in your industry.  This helps establish that you are up to date and know what’s happening, not just within your business, but outside it as well.  

2. Define your brand personality

It’s easy to get lost in the mechanics of tweeting: staying within the confines of your 140 characters, using the right hashtags, as well as focusing on keywords.  If you’re not careful, your tweets can come across as dry and lifeless. To prevent that from happening, find a voice that is unique to your business, yet will still connect with your customers.  If you are having  a hard time, check out the competition.  See what they do right and then make it your own.

3. Engage with your audience

Just like any relationship you are trying to build, communication is key.  If someone mentions your company in a tweet, you need to respond.  This includes, good and bad tweets.  It’s a chance to show not only that you care, but that there’s actually a human behind the tweets on your page.

4. Promote You Content To Drive Leads

Unless you are a celebrity, no one is going to follow you to hear what you ate for breakfast.  Instead use the twittersphere to share relevant content that speaks to your potential customer’s needs.  This will not only gain you new customers but, new leads.  Great content vehicles include links to:

  • Blogs
  • Webinars
  • eBooks
  • Infographics

Pro-tip.  There’s only so much content to go around but that shouldn’t mean that you have to be a one tweet wonder.  You can promote the same piece of content multiple times by changing the text in the tweet and scheduling them at different times.

5. Don’t use all 140 characters in your tweet

I know, I know.  You have so much to say and yet here I am asking you to not even use the miniscule amount of characters that you are allowed.  But here’s why. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to retweet a tweet that uses the full 140 characters. Don’t forget  that when you retweet, an “RT”, a space, and a colon are automatically added. To ensure your tweets can easily be retweeted, stick to 120 character or less.

6. It’s not all about you (or it shouldn’t be)

If all your potential leads and customers read about is how great your product is and all the awesome benefits your product offers I promise, all you will do is drive your potential customers away.  The rule of thumb for marketing is 80% educational info with about 20% about  focusing on your business. Help and educate people and they will keep coming back to learn about you and your product.

7. Check out your competition

There’s nothing wrong with checking out your competition.  Many companies post links to their latest press releases, eBooks, blog posts, acquisitions, and product announcements. You can also see what other people are saying about your competition by searching for their brand name and any hashtags they use regularly.

8. Mention your customers

Everyone likes a little public recognition. If one of your partners or customers has a paper published or speaks at an event, give them a shout out if it’s something that relates to your business.

9. Schedule for all time zones

Just because you’re awake at 7am on a Friday, doesn’t mean the rest of the world is. Be conscious of who will see your tweets, and at what time. Use a good scheduling tool to help you schedule tweets in all relevant time zones.

10. You can’t overtweet

The twittersphere moves fast and if  you only post once a day, your tweet may get lost in the shuffle. Don’t be afraid to tweet multiple times per day.  This is especially true if you are trying to gain new followers.  Just make sure your tweets are fun, engaging and relelvent to your potential customers.

11. Have fun

Unlike its more serious sister LinkedIn, Twitter is all about having fun.  So make sure your tweets reflect that.  Don’t be afraid to change it up with photos, quizzes and awesome memes and images.  The possiblities are truly endless all it takes is just a bit of creative key to making twitter and all your other social media marketing really work is to keep it fresh. Use the above tips to enhance your twitter presence and increase your potential customers and leads.

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