Alaniz Marketing

The Weekly RAP for September 28, 2012

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This Week on our Blog

There’s some exciting things going on! Check out our latest posts this week!

Also, we’ve picked out some informative articles and great reading from around the web we think you’ll find valuable too! Happy reading!

Getting Found Online: Trouble Attracting Highly Targeted Leads?

OK, maybe you’re not struggling with getting found online. But what good is it if you attract thousands of visitors to your website, yet you rarely make sales? The key, of course, is attracting highly targeted leads. You might say, “easier said than done,” yet I say, “It’s much easier when you have the magnetic qualities that steer them to their destination.”

Boomer’s Online Behavior: How Boomers Use the Internet

As in all marketing, knowing your target audience is key to reaching them with your message. When marketing to today’s digital boomer, knowing how boomers use the internet will give you important insights that will help you develop an effective strategy for your digital marketing campaign.

Should a 23-Year-Old Run Your Social Media Marketing?

Hollis Thomases posted an article in Inc. magazine that demands a response. While his article, 11 Reasons a 23-Year-Old Shouldn’t Run Your Social Media, hits some good points, it really misses the mark, especially for senior living communities that are always short-staffed.

8 Steps to Content Marketing Success for Senior Care Service Companies

If you are looking for more highly-targeted website traffic for your senior care business or CRCC, this 8-point breakdown of how to get started with content marketing will be helpful. These points were first written by Stephanie Tilton, B2B Content Consultant at Ten Ton Marketing, and are reproduced here with augmented text.


Worthwhile Reading from Around the Web

What SmartPhone Users Want Most From Mobile Sites Today

With this data, you can build a case and actually make a user’s dream scenario happen! Take a look at some of the highlights we’ve pulled from the study that we think will help you with your mobile marketing.

Ten Painless Tactics To Earn Attention On Twitter – Whiteboard Friday

Twitter is similar to passing signs at full speed on the highway. How do you get your signs (tweets) noticed and read? How can your profile stand out from the rest?


72 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics for 2012

Social media and inbound marketing techniques have been a boon for marketers. Not only do leads generated through social and content marketing cost half as much as traditional outbound-generated leads, they also close at higher rate.


Using AdWords Data for SEO: Unlocking the Ultimate Keyword Research Treasure Trove (Arrrgh!!)

Ahoy, SEOmoz UGC blog lubbers! Today’s post will show you how to unlock a secret treasure trove of SEO keyword research data from your own company’s AdWords account! Avast!Great SEO always starts with great keyword research …

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