Alaniz Marketing

The 4-Hour Website Challenge

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Someone told us recently that we can’t build a website in 4 hours. Do you know what we have to say about that? This:

On May 15, 2013, we’re going to take on the first ever challenge to build a HubSpot website from the ground up in four hours.

As HubSpot beta testers, we’ve had the privilege to test many new features and tools before they’re released. For the 4 Hour Website, we’ll be testing the new website creation tools. This will be the 5th website we’ve built in the new tools, but the first one where we’re not touching any HTML code.

We’re excited, because as far as we know, a website has never been built in HubSpot in such a short time. Our team has been busy planning and preparing, and our client is creating content. The completed website will have a fully designed layout, pages filled with content and CTAs, landing pages will be connected, social sharing buttons will be there, and more. It will be a fully functional, ready-to-go, website.

On May 15 our team will be live tweeting their progress, so make sure to stay updated using #4hourwebsite (and to cheer us on!). After the completion of the project, we’ll release videos about the process and experience, as well as training materials when these new tools are released.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the 4 Hour Website, whether or not you think we can get it done, and what you’d like to see from it.

UPDATE, May 16, 2013: We did it in 4-1/2 hours.It was lots of fun, we learned a few lessons, and our client loves their new website. We also captured a lot of video and screenshots that we will use in future posts here.

Our take-away is that “planning is everything.” The days of creating a website in a shoot-from-the-hip style are over. All of our website re-design projects will now go through the same process we developed for the 4 hour website. Then it’s just one sprint, and we’re done.

Download the Alaniz Guide to Generating Website Traffic, Leads, and Sales

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