Alaniz Marketing

Learning Inbound Marketing: Hubspot Certification Basics

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Welcome back to Learning Inbound Marketing. In the last post we talked about Buyer’s Journey basics and its role in inbound. This week it’s all about the importance of getting your Hubspot Certification

The world of inbound has many levels.  In fact, you can easily compare the levels of inbound to the layers found in an onion, but hopefully without the tears. With all those different layers it can be easy to lose site of best practices or feel less than confident when working with their different tools.

To assist you in getting the most out of your inbound work, Hubspot has created a two-part certification which will have you on your way to peeling away all those layers while honing your inbound skills.  And the best part? The certification is free and open to all HubSpot customers.

The certification includes an exam and practicum covering seventeen introductory training classes tied to each of their primary moving parts.

The Classses

Goal Planning & Strategy Calls-to-action
Buyer Personas Thank you Pages
Content Creation Contacts
Keywords Lists
Blogging Email
Social Publishing Page Performance
Social Monitoring Sources
Forms Competitors
Landing Pages

Types of Classes

You have a choice in class format when it comes to your certification.

Pre-recorded or Livelab

  • Each  pre-recorded class offers videos which average anywhere from 5-15 minutes long (most complete classes don’t last longer than 30-40 minutes).
  • You also have the options of going to a livelab.  This is a way for you to learn what you need for your certification but work with a live instructor to get feedback geared towards your business.

Whichever class format you decide to take each class begins with basic overview of the class topic, moves on to best practices. then ends with a walkthough tool which gives you the mechanics of each topic discusses.

Each class also offers a Additional Resources section which provides additional information used during the certification test but more importantly in real life.

The Test

The certification test consists of two parts.

  • A 120 question test made up of multiple choice and true and false questions.
  • A practicum test which asks you to show hands on knowledge of the skills you learned in part 1.  You must submit eleven of the seventeen inbound marketing achievement classes and at least one of the eleven practicums submitted must be a blog or landing page.

The businwss world moves fast.  Taking the time to get certified for inbound might seem like a waste of time.  But whether it’s creating a new campaign, segenting lists or keeping an eye on your competition embarking on the Hubspot certification will help peel back the layers of the inbound onion and give you all the tools you need to ensure you are always on top of best practices and able to navigate the Hubspot tools.

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