Alaniz Marketing

Introducing the 4-Hour HubSpot Website: Can We Really Do This?

marketing meeting alaniz marketing

4-hour-websiteOne of the most frequent complaints about HubSpot is that the website tools are very limiting compared to what any good web designer is used to. We certainly share this complaint.

Additionally, we are HubSpot beta testers, so we get to see all the new tools while they’re still in development. We break them, find their limitations, provide feedback on what we like and don’t like, and help shape the final product.

How long did it take to build this?

Recently, after completing a new website project in HubSpot, we were asked, “How long did it take you to do that?” I didn’t have good answer, since we didn’t track all of our time involved in making this website. I figured it probably took 15 hours. But it got me to thinking. .. how long SHOULD it take to build a website in HubSpot?

We discussed this and decided to put our thinking to the test: 2 people working together, creating a full website from scratch in 4 hours using the HubSpot platform.

2 people. 4 hours. 1 complete website.

So in about 90 minutes we begin. We’ve done our planning, we’ve gathered content from the client (yes, this is a REAL project!), we’ve brought in the coffee and junk food. We’re ready.

To make it more fun, we’re video recording every step of the way. Additionally, we’re screen capturing it all of it to make some tutorials later. And we’ll be interviewing each other after the event to capture ideas on the process we’ve developed.

Can we do it? Really? In four hours?

I think we can. In fact, I’m betting on three hours. You can follow our progress on Twitter using the hashtag #4hourwebsite. We’starting around 8:30am PDT today. And we’re planning a team luncheon to celebrate our success. Tune in to Twitter to see how it’s going. . . and when our client approves the website, we’ll let you know so you can go see what 3 or 4 hours of work looks like.

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