Alaniz Marketing

InboundPHX: A Student’s First Foray Into the Real World

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InboundPHXSkySongDo you remember the day you realized what career you wanted to follow? Some of us have known since childhood, other adolescence, and some of us still may not even be sure.

Whether it be in our careers, our personal life, or our fantasy football teams, choices are defining moments in life, that dictate where we will end up. However, life isn’t as much about the final destination, as it is the milestones we pass through our journey. 

As an intern at Alaniz Marketing, I went through my first career milestone, a glance of the “real world” at our InboundPHX event this past Wednesday, February 25th. It was an eye-opening event gave me some great insight into what a career in the field of digital marketing may be like. The passion that came out of each of the four speaker’s mouths combined with the thirst for knowledge and electricity in the crowd made for a truly unforgettable event. I would like to share with you some of my key takeaways:

  • What are you passionate about? If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.
  • Storytelling is an art. It’s engaging, entertaining, and informative. Learn to read the room and adjust as you go along.
  • People don’t buy the product. They buy the story, the why, your motivation. Give your audience a reason to care.
  • Controversy creates press. But, don’t go shooting elephants.
  • Tell your stories. My stories make me human, a person to talk to, not just another salesperson.
  • Facts and figures are good in a presentation. However, nobody remembers them, tell a story, and engage your audience.
  • Always have an elevator pitch. For everything, be prepared to sell yourself in your professional (job opportunities) and personal life (dating).
  • Be prepared to be put on the spot. You never know where your next lead, client, or partner may come from, be prepared to engage them and sell yourself, your business, and/or your product.
  • Culture is huge. Company culture creates legends. Legends that drive the best candidates to fill out applications for your company, and more clients your way, hoping some of that culture will rub off on them.

As a new fish in the ocean of professional careers, it can be intimidating to try to enter. There is always the fear of whether what is being taught in class has “real world” application, or whether what you’re learning from your internship is really going to prepare you for that career in marketing. Although my journey into the “real world” is just beginning, it is now one that I am confident in and excited for, thanks to Inbound Marketing Phoenix.

SAVE THE DATE: The next InboundPHX event is June 3rd at SkySong. We’ll be learning how successful marketers really use inbound marketing in their day-to-day work. Get on the invitation list for this event.


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