Alaniz Marketing

How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Develop A Content Creation Strategy That Converts

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If you’re working hard creating content, content and more content, e.g.,  blogging, special reports, email blasts, lead nurturing, etc., yet your lead to sales ratio is not rising, is it possible your message isn’t resonating with your audience? Put another way, for all your content creation efforts, do you get to the heart of the matter or skirt around and tread lightly?

In order to create an audience of buyers vs fair weather friends, your message may simply require a little shift. By this I mean, that the strategy you use to create repeat visitors to your website may only require some simple tweaks to your message in order to resonate more effectively with your audience and gain the sale.

In order to do this, you need to be absolutely certain your message contains at least these three things:

  1. This is what I’ve got, i.e., build your case.
  2. This is what it will do for you, i.e., establish trust.
  3. This is what you should do next (and why), i.e., increase the intensity of desire.

Crafting your message with this in mind, you’ll gain valuable credibility and you’ll be in greater control to lead your visitors to their desired outcome, which is a solution to their problem. Sounds simple, right? Now, let’s take that simplicity and translate it to where in your message you might be wavering.

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

To craft a message that really hits home for your readers, first put yourself in their shoes and think about what it’s like to be your customer. I can’t emphasize this enough because if you don’t, you won’t understand what drives their buying habits and causes them to finally say yes to you.

Determine the factors that caused your visitors to visit you in the first place, e.g., social media, email or Google, and whether they’re just browsing or really looking for a solution that you can fill. Either way, your content, regardless of the type and stage your addressing, should, at some point, raise some of the important questions that hit on their pain points and conveys that you understand their need. Use an authentic voice too, because people actually want someone to trust. They want reliable answers to their questions and good solutions for their problems. If you can do this, you will put your reader into a receptive state of mind much more effectively than any overt sales message.

Fire on All Cylinders

Since you’ve got something valuable to say, you can’t afford for your message to falter. Moreover, you want to convey your message in a way that will command attention yet builds trust. From headline to content and supporting imagery, consider using compelling metaphors, vivid language, and momentum to create useful bits of content that delight and images that resonate and make sense. Then, consistently reflect two core messages: you know what you’re talking about.and you care about your audience as human beings.

At the same time, let your readers know about the features and benefits of the product or service you provide, understanding that the buying process is stirred by emotions and only then justified by logic. Address pain points systematically at every stage to let the reader know you understand how they feel and you’re able to provide a solution. But, keep in mind too, that no one likes to be “sold” so keep your communication conversational in tone.

Overall, when addressing your readers dilemma, conveying some of the following validating points (using vivid language, stories, metaphors, etc.), and you’ll likely put them at ease and into a greater state of receptivity:

  • Yes, there is an answer to the problem that’s been bothering you
  • You’re not alone
  • It’s not as hard as you think
  • You’re one of a select group
  • The success you’ve been looking for is finally about to be yours
  • It’s not your fault
  • People worse off than you have conquered this problem

Understand Objections

Even if your audience is passionately in love with what you’ve got, procrastination is the greatest enemy we all battle. Unless you create a compelling sense of urgency or cause your reader to equate not taking action with more pain, they’ll likely put off making that call. Take time to understand what their objections might be so that you can effectively address concerns, understanding that much of our procrastination is centered around fear of making the wrong decision. Again, from a psychology perspective, all human behavior is based on the premise that we wish to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Alleviate their fear, cause your readers to equate NOT taking action with more pain, and they’ll likely think twice before leaving empty handed.

Once you have created your content strategy, you need to create the content. Use our experienced team of professional writers to create your blog posts, ebooks, lead nurturing emails, and more!

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