Alaniz Marketing

Getting Found Online: Trouble Attracting Highly Targeted Leads?

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This is the fourth installment in a series as we continue our exploration to the many facets, tips and tricks to “Getting Found Online.” Our third in the series can be found here.

OK, maybe you’re not struggling with getting found online. But what good is it if you attract thousands of visitors to your website, yet you rarely make sales? The key, of course, is attracting highly targeted leads. You might say, “easier said than done,” yet I say, “It’s much easier when you have the magnetic qualities that steer them to their destination.”

And what are the magnetic qualities? To start, your magnetic qualities are, first and foremost, when you’ve identified your keyword  phrases that make up what it is that you have to offer and the phrases your audience use to find you. Beginning with this, you can then create content, blog titles and provide overall SEO qualities to your website pages that will allow the search engines to attract and match up these highly targeted leads to you. No doubt, your website’s SEO efforts are an important (all right, crucial) aspect, but just as, or even more important, is what you do with your visitors once they’ve arrived…

If your website doesn’t have the additional magnetic qualities for conversion, you’re missing a crucial element to any lead nurturing opportunities. Maybe you have what your potential customer is looking for, yet, what if they’re at the “just not yet” stage? If you’re not enticing them to leave their contact information with a variety of CTAs (calls-to-action) before they leave, they might never be back, and you’ve missed a critical opportunity, and potentially just lost a sale.

75% of your visitors are not at the, “I’m ready to make a purchase today” stage.

So, what do you do with these visitors? By creating an enticing offer of value, be it a subscription to your blog or an ebook that provides the values and benefits of the various facets of your product or service, not only do you position yourself as an authority in your industry, you allow the opportunity for an ongoing relationship that encourages revisits to your website. And it’s these visitors (among others that we’ll get to) who become your highly targeted leads.

Once you’ve captured a visitor’s contact information, what do you do with them? Based upon the offer that converted them, you want to nurture the relationship through the sales funnel. How? Email campaigns that keep them engaged with various offers and enticements that continue to address their concerns every step of the way. This kind of relationship building will cause them to revisit your website and ultimately, become your customer.

Want to attract even more highly targeted leads?

This is a virtual world without boundaries! So, why would you limit yourself to your website only? The world wide web is just as its name implies. So, there’s no reason not to go where your potential customers are! Be it forums that address questions only YOU can answer or social media networking groups, if you don’t have a presence in these virtual worlds, you’re missing a valuable opportunity to capture your target audience.The beauty here is that by making your presence known in various forums that already have your engaged and targeted audience, you can then position yourself as a solution to their need. Share your wisdom and website address and viola, you’ve created an seemingly effortless match that creates a bridge between a need or desire and the fulfullment thereof!

Other ways to attract highly targeted leads might include:

  • Cross-market with other businesses. Look for opportunities to be a guest blogger on sites that compliment your field of expertise and interest your audience. You’ll get great inbound links, an opportunity to talk to a different audience and nothing boosts your ranking like high quality links from authoritative sites.
  • Make comments on other complimentary blogs to draw people back to your site.
  • Go to industry events, conferences, associations, seminars. Better yet, lead one of these seminars.
  • List your company in online business directories and referral sources.
  • And this is easy, but often overlooked… Ask your happy customers for referrals. Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most effective ways to bring in more customers/clients.

When it comes to attracting highly targeted leads, the extra effort you make in this short list of to-dos has the potential to make a significant difference in the quality of your leads. Never underestimate the effect of one small act, but better yet, the synergistic effect of many small efforts together can bring results far greater than each one ever could individually… and, the ripple effect can bring results that continue to effect your business for years to come.

Next in this series, we take a look at marketing to the great generation of boomers and beyond in: Getting Found Online: Strategies Assisted Living Facilities Should Consider

At Sigma, we’re all about helping you attract highly targeted leads. Contact us TODAY for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION strategy session and website assessment. We’ll give you valuable insight that will identify your strengths and areas which need some improvement. It’s a complimentary service we offer to our readers with NO obligation. Request yours TODAY!

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