Alaniz Marketing

CRM Spring Cleaning: Essential Tips for Cleaning Your Hubspot Database

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CRM Spring Cleaning: Essential Tips for Cleaning Your Hubspot Database

As the seasons change and we head into Q2, it’s the perfect time to do a little spring cleaning of your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to ensure efficient business operations for the rest of the year. Your Hubspot database should act as a source of truth for your team that holds the key to driving successful marketing and sales efforts. These useful tips will ensure your CRM is primed for peak performance for the rest of the year.

Decluttering and Deduplicating Your CRM

Duplicate database entries can cause important information to get easily misplaced by your team. Eliminate database clutter by weeding out any duplicate records that may exist in your CRM. Utilize HubSpot’s built-in tool to easily combine duplicate entries, ensuring your data remains clean and actionable. Keep in mind that Hubspot Contact and Company records use the Email and Company Domain Name properties respectively to prevent duplicate records from happening. Streamlining your database not only improves efficiency but also enhances the accuracy of your analytics, leading to more informed decision-making.

Freshen up Your Marketing Contacts

With Hubspot subscription prices being directly tied to your number of marketing contacts, it’s important to keep an eye on your subscription utilization to prevent additional costs. Take a critical look at your list of marketing contacts to eliminate waste within your account. Identify and mark those who are unsubscribed or unengaged as non-marketing. 

You can also look for potentially time-sensitive contacts within your database that may no longer need to be active. Do you have a list of trade show contacts from three years ago? See if any of those contacts can be marked as non-marketing. Emailing contacts that are no longer relevant can sometimes cause frustration and can harm your credibility and campaign performance. Creating a list of contacts based on their “Create Date” property can help you pick out contacts that may be outdated.

Restyle & Reformat Your Data with Operations Hub 

Leverage the power of automation by updating your subscription to include Operations Hub. This addition to your MarTech toolbelt empowers you to automate data formatting processes, saving time and ensuring consistency across your CRM. For instance, if you want to make phone number or date fields have consistent formatting to eliminate any human error, Operations Hub opens these options up within the Workflow tool. 

Using Validation to Sweep Out Your Contact List

Did you know that approximately 30% of your database goes bad each year? Keeping your contact list up-to-date is crucial for maintaining relevance and maximizing your marketing ROI. Consider integrating an email validation service like ZeroBounce to identify contact emails that are no longer valid. Not only will email validation help keep your database clean but it also will improve the performance of your email campaigns by decreasing your bounce rates.

With these strategies in place, you’ll declutter your CRM and supercharge your marketing efforts for greater success. Let’s embrace the spirit of renewal this spring and make our databases work smarter, not harder. Happy cleaning!

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