Alaniz Marketing

Content Marketing Now Has Context with Hubspot 3

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At Hubspot’s annual conference of inbound marketers, CEO Brian Hallgan announced the immediate availability of Hubspot 3 yesterday. Hubspot 3 is poised to completely change the marketing universe by using the CONTEXT of a web visitor’s online behavior to determine what CONTENT to display to them.

What’s the big deal about context?

I’ll use our website as an example. Let’s say you come to our website from a Twitter link to a specific blog post. As you read the blog post, you’re getting more and more interested in that topic, and at the bottom of the post, you see a call-to-action (CTA) for one of our ebooks. You fill out the form and download the book.

You come back to our website a few days later, and notice an offer on our home page for a template to make ebooks, and you’d like to get it. So you click on the CTA.

Now, instead of seeing the form, you simply have a button to download the ebook — because the website knows the CONTEXT of your visit. It knows who you are because you gave us that information already, and it won’t ask you for that basic information again!

That’s really nice for our website visitors, but it’s not magical. Let’s add one piece to the above scenario.

Since the site knows who you are when you return. . . let’s show you a DIFFERENT CTA, based on what we know about you.

Moving down the sales funnel

We can setup a rule that goes like this: “If visitor has downloaded two top-of-the-funnel ebooks, show them middle-of-the-funnel offers when they return.”

Wow! The context of your visit and prior behavior is now determining what you see.

Another example: smart images

The same technology lets you swap out images for different marketing personas. So a blog post can have a picture of a smiling CEO for new visitors to the page, but if we know you work at a senior living center, the image automatically switches to a smiling senior. That’s really cool!

Run a multi-touch campaign

Another new feature lets you see exactly who clicked on which of your tweets. So let’s say you have tweeeted out your latest blog post, which is very focused for your primary marketing persona. Nine people clicked on the tweeted link and 3 re-tweeted it. Now you could take those 12 people and create a list, then send them all a special offer by email.

Smart images in email

Speaking of using email, the smart images features and smart CTAs arer available in your emails, too! As you email gets sent, Hubspot adds the right images or the right CTA to each.

The magic key that powers it all

The magic key that makes all of this work is the new contacts database. The HubSpot 3 contact database is the central brain for all your marketing. Everything you know about a lead is stored there.

  • Lead Intelligence Timeline: Track every page view & form submission for each and every lead.
  • Social Media: Automatically look up and track social interactions.
  • Custom Fields: Create, capture & upload custom fields.
  • Smart Lists: Build dynamic segments based on each and every field, download, and event.

There are ten new or wholly rebuilt tools in HubSpot 3, and over 100 new features. Mike Volpe, HubSpot’s CMO, created this quick video to give you a sense of the power of context in marketing:



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