Alaniz Marketing

5 Ways to Improve your Facebook Business Profile Page

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If you are a small business you have probably wondered how to increase the ROI from your Facebook business profile page. Luckily, it’s not that hard to turn that thought into a reality.

Here are five tips on how you can get more fans interested in your company and generate more traffic to your website.

Tip #1 Use Strong Calls to Action

A call to action is anything that directs a visitor to a specific thing. For example, Redbull’s Facebook cover photo directs you to like their page. Put something on your cover photo, something BIG and obvious, that will attract and get people to like and share your page. Here’s an example of someone’s cover photo announcing to everyone who sees his page to join him on Facebook.

Tip #2 Great Content + Compelling Images = More Fans

Content with images is more effective at attracting fan engagement than simply putting text or links by themselves. People naturally like reading something with a picture because it helps them understand the content more than just reading a bunch of text. If you have great content and you put a picture with it, more often than not, it will get liked and shared.

Tip #3 Contests and Promotions

Now, this is where you can get creative. You can think of something to give away or you can even ask your own followers what they would like to see given away. For example, Microsoft could have a trivia contest in which whoever answers correctly is entered in a drawing to win an Xbox One. When it comes to contests and promotional events, you want to go the extra mile for your fans and followers. Your fans would love it and it’s a great way to distinguish yourself from other companies.

Tip #4 Post epic content!

You want to make sure that your followers see that you truly care about them. To do that you need to post not just good content, but epic content! If you post epic content you have a higher chance of getting liked and shared, which means more traffic, which will lead to more exposure for your business. How do you distinguish good from epic? An example of good content would be posting a status on a new product or feature. To make it epic, it would have to lay out benefits to the right audience and add value to them in some way. Here’s an excellent example of epic content.

Tip #5 Facebook Videos are becoming a forgotten art

When was the last time you made a video to promote your business? Whether you make videos every day or have never made one, they are a good thing to have, especially for Facebook and social media in general. Facebook videos are extremely underrated, but if used correctly can be a powerful marketing tool. People tend to share what they like so if you make an informative yet funny or entertaining video, it could get shared by someone which means someone else might watch it and they would share it. You get the idea. It is a trickle-down effect, meaning many people could watch and share if they liked it.

With everything you’ve learned to improve your business page on Facebook, you can now use that knowledge to use your Facebook as an important marketing tool for attracting more visitors and get more followers.

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