This Week on our Blog
Check out our latest posts this week! Also, we’ve picked out some informative articles and great reading from around the web we think you’ll find valuable too! Happy reading!
State of Search Engine Optimization and Social Media 2012 [Infographic]Everyone knows that search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the main players in internet marketing. But how has it evolved in the past year? How has the internet marketing industry as a whole changed? |
Getting Found Online: Keywords are Your CornerstoneWith over a billion websites on the Internet, and getting found online as your goal, your keyword strategy must involve using keywords effectively.
10 Reasons Google Adwords Doesn’t Work for Small BusinessThe blogosphere is littered with articles claiming Google Adwords doesn’t work for small business. Yet many small businesses claim just the opposite. How can we make sense of this? |
Why Business Blogging Matters for Senior Retirement CommunitiesAttracting new people to your senior retirement community is a matter of building relationships. Communities that don’t spend time blogging are missing a huge opportunity. |
Worthwhile Reading from Around the Web
Google Webmster Tools Alerts: Be a Smarter SEOYou might not have noticed, but recently there has being a whole host of Google Webmaster tools updates. These rather silent updates have enabled Webmasters to learn more about how Google interacts with their website and now alerts you to even more potential site issues discovered. |
33 Things to Ask Before Hitting PublishDo you pause before you hit the “publish” button? One of the most important things I’ve learned as a marketer is the value of a single word or phrase. Sometimes, one word can completely change how your brand is perceived. Every piece of content your company publishes, whether it’s a tweet, blog post, newsletter, webinar, etc., should reinforce, clarify and/or strengthen the message of your brand. |
My Performance Review for the First Half of 2012As I mentioned yesterday on the blog, it’s performance review season here at SEOmoz, and since transparency is a core value for us, I’d like to share my personal performance review and the grades/feedback given by Sarah (at least, most of it) publicly here on the blog. |
How large should your A/B test sample size be?In the online world the possibilities for testing just about anything are immense. And many experiments are done indeed, the result of which are interpreted following the rules of null-hypothesis testing, “are the results statistically significant?” An important aspect in the work of the database analyst then is to determine appropriate sample sizes for these tests. |