As a marketer, putting on events such as webinars is a great way to grow your brand following and presence. There is no greater joy than seeing your registration list fill up until there are no seats left. Then, come event day only half of your registrants show up, what happened?
We have all been guilty of forgetting events, it’s why we use sticky notes, calendars, and email reminders. As a marketer, after all the work you put into creating and promoting your event with email marketing, you want people to show up. So, make it easy for them to set a reminder! In this article we will explore how to insert a Google Calendar invite right into your email in a few easy steps.
Step 1: Open your Google Calendar in a new browser window.
Click the red “Create” button on the top left side of the screen, opening a new event window.
Step 2: Set the details for your event.
Remember to include critical information such as:
- Event name – Yes, a no-brainer, but it never hurts to add a reminder.
- Event description – Include a quick description of your event as well as your contact information, so that your guests can reach out if they have any questions.
- Location – Physical address or the URL of the online event.
- Time – Enter the event start and end times and adjust the timing of the event to your time zone. It will automatically change the time to correspond with each person’s time zone.
- URL of your event’s landing page – Helps remind prospects of what they signed up for, and it gives them easy access should they invite friends to register.
You can also set up alerts so that registrants don’t forget the time between when you sent the invite and the time of the event. However, do not overwhelm people with reminders especially if they are already enrolled in a workflow for the event, as this can create an intrusive experience.
Step 3: Click “Save” to save the event to your calendar.
Re-open the event and click on “Publish Event.” A pop will appear with the embed code, grab the URL in the quotation marks after href= — this is the link you will use in your email.
Step 4: Insert the invites into your marketing email.
Now that you have event created for your Google Calendar, you can insert it into your marketing email. You can either link your invites to text or a call-to-action button. Then link the text or button to the event URL you grabbed in Step 3 of this tutorial.
Giving your registrants the tools to quickly set a reminder for your upcoming events will help increase attendance. At the very least, it’ll make “I forgot to set a reminder” an invalid excuse for missing your event!
A special thanks to Hubspot for providing the how-to.